How many years have you been doing CrossFit and how did you get started?
2 years in August, and I've lost 50lb since I started. My brother is the owner of Goose Island CrossFit on Kingsbury and his weight loss of almost 100lb was a huge inspiration to me. At first I was convinced it wasn't for me, but as I grew to find a love for weightlifting, I couldn't stay away. I've learned to overcome challenges and the variety always keeps me excited for what's to come.
What is your favorite and least favorite workout?
My favorite workout is snatches paired with overhead squats, and my least favorite is the 5k row for time. I used to hate running, but over the last year I've really changed my attitude and I've realized it's not so bad after all.
What’s your advice to someone just getting start with CrossFit?
Humble yourself. For months it felt like every day I walked in there was yet another opportunity for me to be "bad" at something. Box jumps. Sprints. Wall walks. I felt the need to say it, express to everyone that I knew I was terrible. The more I began to trust the process and just put my best effort forward, I was able to see improvements across the board. I've hit PRs I never dreamed I'd see. The people are beyond encouraging and the competition keeps me motivated. There is something for everyone. I never liked working out, and I definitely never thought I would want to work out everyday. During the school year I attend a lot of 5am classes due to my schedule. People think I'm crazy but I love working out in the morning. CrossFit has changed my life. The way I eat, sleep, and my desire to train and push myself. It's amazing.
Rumor has it, you’ve been running more lately – tell us more about that!
My dad is a marathon runner and he has been training to qualify for Boston for as long as I can remember. This summer, with time off as a school teacher, I've been training with my brother and our head coach at the gym every day. We've been including some longer runs in our training (running for an hour, 5 miles, etc.) and through that experience I have come to realize that long distance running is something I can do. Last week I ran 8 miles and that was a huge accomplishment for me. The most I had run before that was 5 miles. Now I have my sights set on a half marathon in the fall.
What's your favorite post-workout meal?
Any Mantras?
"It's not can't, it's can't yet". In 2015 I had to read a book for school and this ideology was my biggest takeaway. As adults, we are allowed to say "I'm not good at math" and rarely would someone question why or insist they should do something to change it. But as teachers, we always encourage our students that although they are not good at something, they can be with hard work. Adding the "yet" changed so much for me. There are so many things I can't do in CrossFit yet. Handstand push-ups, pistols, muscle ups to name a few. I've changed my vocabulary to include the belief that it is possible. It's caught on so much at the gym that sometimes I even get corrected when I forget to say it. My first visit to EDGE, I put it on the wall.
Do you have a spirit animal?
Energizer bunny.
What are your 2016 Goals?
I've hit two out of the three so far: my first was to clean 165lb which I hit two weeks ago. My second was to be able to do ten unbroken double unders (single jump and the rope passes under your feet twice). Now I'm up to 30! My final goal is to be able to do pull ups. I can't do them...yet!
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Losing 50lbs and hearing that my weight loss has inspired other people in my life. Even my students have noticed, and it's amazing to be a role model to them in that way. Also deadlifting 305lb for my new one rep max was pretty cool.
Your favorite activity at EDGE:
Hot tub
Your least favorite activity at EDGE:
Ice bath - but it hurts so good!
The best part of being an EDGE Athlete:
Free coffee + hanging out with Robyn and the pugs.
One thing that would surprise us about you:
I am a professional pianist and violinist. I studied Violin Performance and Music Education at DePaul University. Currently, I teach general music to 500 amazing students in Elk Grove Village.