In all of the fall racing mayhem, we failed to bring you a September Athlete of the Month - so this month we are doubling up with one of our favorite endurance couples. Meet Pat & Marge - two of the hardest working, most inspiring athletes that we know!

How many years have you been racing?
Pat: I have been racing since 2009, my first triathlon was the Chicago Triple, in 2010 I did my first Ironman (Wisconsin).
Marge: I have been racing since 2011 - I did my first Marathon and in 2012 I did my first Triathlon.

How did you get started in triathlon?
Pat: I wanted to be a more well-rounded athlete, I figured training for and entering a triathlon was the way to go.
Marge: In 2011 I watched my boyfriend compete in Ironman Louisville. It was the 1st triathlon I had ever witnessed. It was love at 1st sight. I was in awe and full of amazement on how incredible these athletes were. I thought to myself I would love to do this one day. I was training for my 1st marathon and at that time had no idea on how to swim and hadn't been on a bike in over 20 years. So I knew I had a very long road ahead of me. As the day progressed and I watched the finishers I thought to myself...who I am kidding I can never do this. Just then an 84 year old man crossed the finish. He inspired me to believe in myself despite your age or your doubts. I still have not crossed that ultimate finish but I have been working hard the past four years and have finished numerous Sprints and Olympics and 2 Half Iromans.
What was your first race?
Pat: My first race was the Chicago Triple in 2009.
Marge: My 1st triathlon was Big Foot in Lake Geneva Wisconsin. It was a comedy show. I had literally bought the bike that Monday still did not know how to ride a Tribike let alone be clipped in and I could barely swim across the pool without stopping in panic. I ran to see Ed Dailey at Element and with shame asked him to change my clips out so I would not kill myself at the race, bought a few things I thought I needed for the triathlon and off I went to race. Well I nearly drowned, crashed my bike and could not get my legs to run but I managed to finish my 1st Triathlon. After that I was hooked and I have been giving it my all since then.

What is your favorite distance to race?
Pat: My favorite distance is the 1/2 Iron, the longer distances, especially the bike get a little boring to me…
Marge: I would say it's the 70.3 distance. It allows me to push myself without hating myself for doing!
What the heck do you think about during those 100 mile bike rides?
Pat: Why don’t I stick to halves! I like the “sprint” aspect of racing better.
Marge: I thank God I have the best training partner. Jennifer Rivera has been with me since the start. Her and I use those long bike rides to catch up on everything from gossip to making plans for our next race or long training day.
If I am riding alone, I think positive thoughts and reassure myself that the final result is worth all these long and extraneous training days.
Least favorite workout?
Pat: My least favorite workout would be long bike rides. I don’t like the amount of time it takes to bike somewhere where I can safely complete a long bike ride and then drive back.
Marge: Open water matter what body of water I am in , I envision Jaws waiting for
What's your favorite post-race meal?
Pat: My favorite post-race meal would be a chocolate milk shake or two, if you can consider that a meal! lol
Marge: It's not so much a meal, I prefer a really thick strawberry or mango shake.
What’s your proudest accomplishment?
Pat: I think my proudest accomplishment was completing the Los Angeles Marathon in SWAT gear. Not only was it challenging but we raised a good amount of money for charity.
Marge: Becoming a mom is probably my proudest accomplishment. Having children was very challenging for me so being blessed with two beautiful and loving children is definitely my proudest accomplishment. Race wise, it would have to be finishing my 1st half Ironman. I couldn't believe I was able to push myself to finish something that was so challenging to myself.

Do you have a secret weapon?
Pat: If I have a secret weapon I think it would be my strong will. I believe I can accomplish anything, it may take a while but I know I can do it.
Marge: I really did not have a secret weapon until this year. Becoming a member at Edge and being a part of such a supportive and caring community has really boosted my confidence. This new found confidence has become my secret weapon!
You see I am not one of the "fast ones", I will never win a race, make it to podium, make it to Boston or Kona for that, and I hardly ever PR...
But the wonderful thing about being a member of such a supportive community is that my 6 hour marathon time is cheered on as much as the ones that did make it to Boston or make it to the podium. Don't get me wrong I wish I was just as fast but unfortunately my little body just can't do any more than I push it to do. So the fact that I have finished every race I have ever started is a huge accomplishment for me!

What is your partner’s secret weapon? (best.answers.ever.)
Pat: Me! LOL
Marge: Me! LOL!
Any Mantras?
Pat: I have two Mantras,
“Mind over matter, I don’t mind and it don’t matter.”
“If you quit in training, you’ll quit in a race.”
Marge: I do not really have one but my 11 year old daughter McKenna chants "If I want it, I can do it and I WILL do it!" when she is competing.
What’s your favorite thing about racing with your partner?
Pat: My favorite part is watching Margie complete something she didn’t think she was able to complete. I love the way people look after accomplishing a goal!
Marge: Patrick and I have very different work schedules so it makes it difficult to spend time together. By training and racing together we get to do activities we love to do and stay active and fit while doing it is also a plus.
What are you 2016 Goals?
Pat: My goal for 2016 was and is to improve my running.
Marge: To finish every race I start!

Your favorite activity at EDGE:
Pat: Socializing! I like the community at Edge, there are some great people, I love to be around positive, goal orientated people.
Marge: Coach Jesi's recovery yoga.
Your least favorite activity at EDGE:
Pat: Leaving, I wish I had more time to recover and talk with people, but training and life calls…
Marge: Super long rides on the kicker....zzzzz
The Best Part of being an EDGE Athlete:
Pat: Free coffee!
Marge: I can honestly say everything...I am so happy to be a member of such a wonderful and supportive community.
One thing that would surprise us about you:
Pat: This one is stumping me…
Margie: I love to listen to Gangsta Rap! I just have to be careful not to sing out loud when I am running and have my headphones in!